Yesterday the Officers of the parish of Chesthunt
sent me the
inclosed Order to lodge a petition at the present Sessions to
save their Appeal against the same till the next Sessions
The only reason of their not comeing sooner to me about it
was because One of the Officers had mislaid the Order and
Cou'd not find it till yesterday I desire (by the Bearer) you will
send me a draft of such a petition asyou will think proper for
the Churchwardens & Overseers of Chesthunt
to sign and
(if necessary) an affidavit of the Orders being mislaid and
I will endeavour imediately to return the petition signed and
the affidavit sworn I hope such Order will be made on the
pet [..]
may have the Liberty of being heard
on an appeal you Fees and Charged herein shall be paid you
on sight by Sir your very hble servt.
George Pembroke< no role >
St. Albans
July 10th. 1737