Mr. Hooper
The King Ast.
Samuel Peirson< no role >
at the Prosecution of
Sarah< no role >
Henry Hooper< no role >
Take notice that the Deft. intends to
Appear at the Sessions of the peace Now holden
at Hicks's Hall
in Saint John Street
in and
the Seventh day of this Instant December
at ten of the Clock in the forenoon of the
Same day then and there to plead guilty to
the Indictmt you prefer'd Ast. him in October
Sessions last for a Unlawfully Breaking and
Entering the Dwelling house of one Henry Hooper< no role >
And also for Assaulting Sarah the wife of the
Said Henry Hooper< no role >
Dated the 6th. Day of
. 1733.
Your Humble Servant
Jn Compton< no role >
for the Defendant