At the General Quarter Session of the peace held for the County of
at Hicks Hall
in St. John Street
in the said
County By Adjornment on Saturday the Nineteenth
day of January [..] in the Seventh year of the Reign
of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of Great Britain
France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith
John Sutton< no role >
who was tried and Acquitted upon an Indictment agt.
him for petty Larceny Is to to be Delivered out of the prison
of the Gatehouse
in the Liberty of Westmr
. in this County
paying his Fees 4s.8d.
At the Session of Oyer and Terminer held for the County of
at Hicks Hall
in St. John Street
in the said County
By Adjournment on Saturday the Nineteenth day of January
in the Seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George
the Second of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender
of the Faith
Garrett Ditton< no role >
Honora< no role >
his wife
who were tried and Acquitted upon an Indictment agt.
them for uttering false and Counterfeit Money knowing
the same to be false and Counterfeit are to be Delivered out of
the Gatehouse
aforesaid paying their Fees Severally 12s.8d.