To the Worsll: his Majties: Justices of ye Peace now Sitting at
Hickes: hall
in St John Street
The humble Petition of Mary Stove< no role >
ye Prisonr at ye Barr
Humbly Shewing
To this Worshipll: Bench yt yor poor Petrs husband
was killed at Barcelona
, Leaveing her destitute with
a Small Infant: insoe much that she can scarely Gett
dayly bread for her selfe, or Child
That being Indicted by one Jane Williames< no role >
Girle for a Trespass: where upon your poor & Miserable
Petr: is brought before this Worshippfull Bench
by a Bench Warrt: And altho' Agreed, and
Parefyed, hath not wherewith all on neither Side
for to procure Lawfull, and Proper releases, as is
well Knowne to ye Constable now Attending ye Court
Therefore Submitts her selfe to the merye
of this Worsll Bench (Pleading Guilty) as
She hath not on Crass farthing to buy bread
for her selfe or Infant
Prayes Compassion from your
Worsps tender hearts towards
her releife
And (as in Duty bound) shall pray Etc
Mary Stone< no role >
Janry: 18: 1714/15