To the Right Worpfull his Maties Justices
of the peace for the County of Middlx
The humble peticon & appeal of Gilbert
Nelson< no role >
That by an order dated the 11th day of Janry
under the hands & seals of
wm Coune< no role >
Michaell Crass< no role >
two of his Maties Justices of the peace for this County yor
petr is adjudged to be the reputed Father of a male bastard
Child born the 8th day of January instant
in the parish of St
Martin in the feilds
in this County on the body of
Mary Mullins< no role >
become chargeable to the sd parish (as is alledged in this sd order)
and thereby yor petr is ordered to pay or cause to be paid to the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the sd parish for & towards
the monthly lying in & laying of the sd
Mary Mullins< no role >
the sume
of 40d for the first four weeks from the birth of the sd Child
& after the expiracon of the sd first four weeks to pay weekly
2s & rd for & towards the releife & maintenance of the sd Child
for soe long time as the same shall be chargeable to the sd parish
& that your petr should give sufficient security to pforme the sd order
otherwise to find sufficient sureties for his psonall appearance att the
[..] then used genall sessions of the peace to be hear for
this County to answer the contempt & abide such order as this Court
should think fitt to make therein
That you petr finds himselfe aggreived by the sd order of the sd two
Justices & humbly appeals agt the same to this Court & hopes to make itt
appear to this Court that the sd order was not made according to Law
And For a sumch as your petr was dureing this prsent Sessions bound
by recognizane taken before the Worpfull
Peter Lavigne< no role >
one of
his Maties Justies of the peace
for this County for his appearance att