To the Rt: Worsippll his Matys Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middx
The humble peticon of John Gibbs< no role >
That in Michaelmas Sessions last a Bill of Indictment was preferred
against your Petitioner &
Mary< no role >
his Wife
by one
William London< no role >
in this Court for unlawfully deteyning the said
William London< no role >
Apprentice And that last Sessions your Petitr gave in Bail is
this Court to try his Travers on the said Indictment this
That your Petitr: is a poor Ignorant Man and altogeather
unacquainted with the Nature of the proceedings of this Court
and Did not give notice of Tryall to the Prosecutor the
beginning of this Sessions which he is Informed he ought
to have Done
Your Petitr: therefore humbly
prays your Worshipps will be
pleased to grant him Leave to
try his Traverse on the said Indictmt.
next Sessions
And Yor Petitr shall ever pray Etc
John Gibbs< no role >