Middx ss
Thee whose names are Subscribed their Maties: Justices of the peace and
Quorum for the Said County in Brent ford Divisions parts adjacent
haveing carefully examined the further Disbursemts of the Said
Henry Hawley< no role >
for the within menconed Bridges doe
finde the same fitt & reasonable to be allowed And doe
recomend this Accompt thereof to their Maties Justices of the
peace that Shall be assembled all the Adjourmnt: of this
Quarter Sessions of the peace Cratt the next generall
Sessions of the peace to be held for this County to be allowed
and confirmed accordingly Given under our hands this 28th
day of Aprill In the Third yeare of the Reigne of our Sonseigne
Lord & Lady William & Mary King & Queene of England Etc A dui 1691
Wm Hill< no role >
Leo: Hamond< no role >
Roger Henry< no role >
La: Johnson< no role >
Tho: JonSon< no role >
Nic: Grice< no role >
Wm James< no role >
Rb Manning< no role >