Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1691

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500100101

Image 101 of 14221st April 1691

Middx ss

To the Churchwarden and Overseers of the Parish
of St Clement Danes and all others whom these may

Hugh Chambelen< no role >
Leo: Hancock< no role >

Whereas Complaint hath been made unto [..]
Two of their Maties Justices of the Peace and Quorum for the said
County by you the said Overseers that Sarah Drew< no role > is lately
intruded and come into your Parish and endeavore to make her
self a setled Inhabitant there contrary to a late Act of Parliament
in that behalfe And whereas it appeares upon the Oath of the
said Sarah Drew< no role > that the Liberty of the Rollo in the Parish of St.
Dunstane in the west London was the place of her last legall
setlement she being a Housekeeper there for severall years in [..]
Tenement of above the yearly value of Ten pounds The Sear
therefore in their Maties. name to will and require you to
remove and convey the said Sarah Drew< no role > from your Paris
[..] unto the Liberty of the Rolls aforesaid in the [..]
Parish of St. Dunstans in the West and cause her to be
delivered to the Churchwarden is & Overseers there or one
them who are he [..] and
to Law untill legally discharged is thereof given at
our hands and Seales this One and Twentieth day of
April Anno Din 1691

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