The Information of
Jane Orde< no role >
Orde< no role >
of St Clements
Lived in the Parish of St. Clements
taken before and this eighteenth days of May
In the third poore of their Matr Reigne Anno
Dmn 1691
This Informant upon his oath cryeth that she [..] a Chamber to Mr Radford
& that one Mary Pope< no role >
came along to her, thes ye St Radford & ye sd Page haveing
usually lodged before At severall places together, & that Radford & the sd Pope
did Lodge in the said Lodging about Six weeke tyme, & that soe soome as the San
Radford & Pope did learn the said Lodging she this Informant wth one Charles
Morris< no role >
did Search the sd Romes and there found a Melting pott & some Clepings
in the sd Horne, vizt the pott mor the Bed sesler & the Clippings dyed to the
Bed Card under the Bedd & this Informant doth further Saye & beleeme they hand
Seem formely Suspected in other places where they Lodges [..]
[..] Marke [mark] of
Jane Orde< no role >
Charles Morris< no role >
upon his Oath Seyeth that he was wth the sd Jane Orde< no role >
when the a [..] Meltis Pott & Clippings aford of where founds &
the Information of ye above named Jane Orde< no role >
to bee now
Juratt die Anno Suprd
Coram me
Wm James< no role >
1s Marke [mark] of Charles Morris< no role >