Middx ss
Ad genal quartial Sessions paris Dui Regis & Due Regine
tent P Com Middx apnd Hickshall in St: Johnstreet
Com prd p adjorn die Vendis Scilt Vicesine quants die Aprilis
Anno RRs: Regis Willi: & Marie mmc Augl Etc Tertie
It is ordered by this Court That the Churchwarden and Cheerseers
of the poore of the Hamblett of
in the parish of
in this County doe continue to pay unto Bridgett
Harman< no role >
A poore Inhabitant of the Said Hamblett the same
of Two Shillings weekly for her reliefe and maintenance and
also pay unto her all the arreares of her pencon or Shew unto
this Court good cause to the contrary the Six and Twentieth
day of May
next att tenne of the clocke in the forenoone as
they will answer the contrary att their pills
P Cur Harcourt