To the worshipfull the Justices now sitting
att Hicks hall
Sheweth that
The humble peticon of
Marke Pick< no role >
Wm. Earle< no role >
your Petr: Earle upon the promise and request of P Petr
Pick did lett a house to hire unto
Richard Jackson< no role >
now a prisoner
in Newgate
to ride to Barnett
in this County
That p said Jackson dudside further then he affirmer & in such
Journey the horse foll lame & ye Petr. Pick being arrested for damage
att the said Earles suit; made Earle full satisfaccion and Earle hath
since recd his house
That about six weeks past the said Jackson was seized by the Beedles
of and carryed before future Fielding where
your petrs. appeared & for that the said Jackson could not make
satisfaccon now give security for restitution of damages the said
Jackson was comitted & your petrs: bound in recognisans to presente
him att this sessions and your petrs: are advised that maccon and
not Indictmt to be most proper in this Case
Your Petrs. therefore humbly pray this Worsfull Bench
would be please to order the said recognisans to be
with drawn & yor petr. may woke releife by account [..]
And yor Petr shall ever pray etc