To the Honoble: thace Maties Justices of the
Peace now Sitting att Hickes hall
The Humble Peticon of Robert Oglethorpe< no role >
Nicholas Mitchell< no role >
Overseers for the poore
of the Liberty of
the Rolls
on behafe of themselves & other Instant of the
sd Liberty
Sarah Drew< no role >
is sent by the pass annexed, unto the Liberty of the
from the parish of st Clements Danes
as a last Inhabitant of the said
That the said Sarah Drew< no role >
, hath beene gone out of the said Liberty of the Roll
for the Space of Eight years As will be made appear to yor Honors. by the
Oath of Sufficient persone and hath not Inhabited in the said Liberty ever
Smce And was lastly Legally Settled as yor Petr. are informed at her in
the said parish of Clements Danes
or the parish of
St Mary Aldermary in
Condivenders ward
Yor. Peticonrs. therefore Appeale Against the
said order and Humbly prayes that this Honoble
Bruch will be pleased to pass the said Sara drew< no role >
to such place of her late habitation as shall in
Appeare to yor Honors. to be Just
And Yor Peticonr shall ever praye