Midds ss
Ad genal Quartial Sessions paris Diu Regis & Due Regine tent P
Com Midds apnd Hickshall in St. Johnstreet in Com prds p adjornd
die Martis Scilt vicesuno prime die Aprilis Anno regis Diu &
Due uroy Guliehin & Maris Deiyrd Augl Francis & Hubine
Regis & Regine fides Defensor Etc Tertis
& Scotie Secundo
Carole Lee< no role >
Thomas Rowe< no role >
Jacobe Cardro< no role >
Thoma Johnson< no role >
Etalys Socys suis Justic dcoy adnd Regis
& Due Regine ad pactoner in Com prds conservamr nec
diverse felon fusgr & al malefon in eod Com ppetrat audiemt &
Upon reading the humble peticon of the Churchwarden & Overseers of
the poor of the Hamblett of Hampton wicke
in this County setting forth
that one William Baker< no role >
a Child now chargeable to the said Hamblett
was by order under the hands and seals of Charles Windham< no role >
William Stevens< no role >
two of their Maties Justices of the peace
for the
County of Southton
conveyed from
in the Isle of Whit
e in [..]
that County to Hampton Wick
aforesaid by the name of William Hamby< no role >
on prtence that the said William was last legally settled at Hampton
as a native [..]
there and that they could prove that the said Child was born of the
body of Elizabeth Baker< no role >
, then & yett the wife
of Bartholomew Baker< no role >
who was last legally settled in Atherton
aforesaid and thereby
appealeing to this Court agt the said Order & praying to be heard
thereon and to be releived in the prmises And on hearing what was
alleadgied by the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of
Atherton aforesaid in the psence of Councell learned on both side [..]
The Peticonrs not being prpared to make out that the said Bartholomew
Baker< no role >
was last legally settled in Atherton
aforesaid and praying
a further day By consent of the said parties and their Councell
This Court doth order that the matter of the said Appeal be
heard & determined att this Quarter Sessions to be held by