Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090070

Image 70 of 54216th September 1784

October 1784

Resolved that notice be given to his Majestys Justices
of the peace acting in and for this County by letter informing them
that such plans as may be delivered in consequence of the above
advertisemt. will be taken into consideration on the County day
of the next Session

The Report of the Committee appointed in MaySession
last To take into consideration a petition from the Governor of the
House of Correction at Clerkenwell respecting his Salary and other
matters concerning the Receipts and Disbursements of his office
which was tendered to the Court at the last Session which was
deferred going into for want of time was now again tendered
to the Court and it appearing by the said Report that by an order
of Court bearing date the 22d. day of Octr. 1778 the Governor of the
House of Correction was allowed the sum of £50 per annum for
the Extra care and Trouble brought upon him in consequence of
the Act of Parliament passed in the 16th. year of the Reign of his
present Majesty Entitled "an Act to authorize for a limited
"time the punishment by hard Labour of Offenders who for certain
"Crimes are or shall become liable to be Transported to any of his
Majestys Colonies or Plantations" which order is now in force
but which allowance Mr Harwood the present Governor of the
House of Correction hath not received The said John Harwood< no role >
now praying the payment thereof

Order for paymt.
of the Sum of £50
the Annual Allow.
of the Governor of
the House of Correctn.}

It is ordered that Mr John Benson< no role > the Treasurer of
and for this County do pay or cause to be paid unto Mr John
< no role > Governor of the House of Correction at Clerkenwell
the Sum of £50. the annual allowance made to the Governor
of the House of Correction at Clerkenwell by an Order of Court
bearing date the 22d. day of October 1778 for the extra care
and trouble brought upon him in consequence of an Act of
Parliament made & passed in the 16th. year of the Reign of his
present Majesty entitled "an Act to authorize for a limited
"time the punishment by hard Labour of Offenders who for certain
"Crimes are or shall become liable to be Transported to any of his
"Majesty; Colonies or Plantations" due to him the said John
Harwood on the 3rd. day of March 1784 and that the Receipt of
the said John Harwood< no role > together with this order shall be a Sufficient
discharge to the said Treasurer for such payment.

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