December 1784
A Motion was made that the said Plans be
taken into Consideration on Thursday next the 16th. day of December
Instant at Ten o' Clock in the forenoon and that this Court do adjourn
itself for the said purpose to that day, and the same was agreed to
Motion to rescind
Resolution That Mr
Leroux be appointed
Surveyor to house of
A Motion was made that the following resolution
come to in September Session last vizt. "It was now moved that Mr Leroux
be appointed Architect to the House of Correction
and that the same be directed
by him as Surveyor thereof and the same was agreed to" be Rescinded and
upon the question being put upon the shew of hands there appeared for
the question 13 against it 25 whereupon it was declared to be carried
in the negative
By Adjournment same day
Baker continued
Ordered that
William Watherston< no role >
be employed to serve the Prisoners
in New Prison
at Clerkenwell
and the House of Correction
there with
Bread until the County day of the now next Session
By Adjournment same day
Report of Commee
on the Petr. of Heny.
The following Report from the Committee appointed at the last Session
to Consider the Allegations contained in a Petition presented by
Adams< no role > This name instance is in set 1591.
Contractor for Conveying Vagrants in through and out of this
County being laid before this Court and the same being read as follows Vizt
To the Worshipful His Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the
County of Middlesex
in their General Session of the Peace holden for
the said County in the Month of December 1784 assembled
The Report of the Committee appointed to take
into consideration a Petition from Henry Adams< no role > This name instance is in set 1591.
Contractor for the conveying Vagrants in through
and out of this County
The said Committee Report that having taken into consideration
the Order of referrence to them made at the last Session Vizt. "to consider
whether any and what allowance should be made to the said Henry Adams< no role > This name instance is in set 1591.
for the additional duty that has devolved upon him by the increase of
Vagrants" and having read Mr. Adams's Petition and the Allegations in
the said Petition being fully proved by the said Henry Adams< no role > This name instance is in set 1591.
upon Oath
It appeared to Your Committee that about April 1774 the said Henry