By Adjornment on Thursday the 18th. of April 1751.
Order for casing in to
Consideration Whether any
Licences shall be Granted
to alehouse Keepers and
who have
skittle Grounds}
It is Ordered That on the County Day of the next General Sessions
of the Peace to be holden for this County It be taken into Consideration
Whether any Lycences Shall be Granted to Alehousekeepers and Bichallers
who have Skittle Grounds, for the selling of Beer, Ale and other
Liquors by Retail.
At the Quarter session by Adjornment on Tuesday the 21st. of May 1751
Order for Mr. Higgs the
to pay 40s: to the
Churchwardens & Overseers
of the Poor of St. Giles
in the
for the Charges of him
Fox a Vagrants Lying in of
a Child in the workhouse
of the
said Parish}
Upon the Humble Petition of the Churchwardens and Overseers of
the Poor of the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields
in this County exhibited not
this Court selling forth That on or about the fourteenth Day of March
last as One
Ann Fox< no role >
wife of Pete Fox was wandring and begging in
the said Parish she was delivered of a Female Child baptized
Jane White< no role >
Dyed about ten Days after her Birth, Whereby she And her said Child
became Chargeable to the said Parish, And that the Petitioners did detain
the said Woman in Custody untill the Ninth Day of April now last
when the Petrs. Conveyed her before
John Milner< no role >
one of his
Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this County who Examined her and
Committed her to the House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
and the
Petitioners therefore Prayed that this Court will be pleased to order
the Treasurer
of this County to pay the Petitioners such a sum of
money as this Court shall Adjudge a Reasonable Satisfaction for the
Charges the said Parish hath been put unto On Account of the said
Ann Fox< no role >
and her said Child, And it appearing unto this Court upon,
Oath of
Charles Haughton< no role >
of the Workhoue belonging to the said
Parish in which Workhouse
the said
Ann Fox< no role >
was delivered of the said
Child, that the Contents of the said Petition are true and that the Common
charge made for the Months Lying in of any Woman in the said Workhouse
is forty shillings, And that According to the Common
Calculation of the
charge of maintaining the Poor in the said Workhouse
Earls Person
stands the said Parish in one and twenty pence per week This Court
is of opinion that the sum of forty shillings be allowed to the Petitioners
for the Lying in of the said
Ann Fox< no role >
of the said Child in the said Workhouse
which this Court doth Adjudge a Reasonable satisfaction to the Petitioners
On Account of the Premisses, and doth therefore by virtue of the statute
in such case made order that Mr.
John Higgs< no role >
of this
County do pay unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor
of the said Parish of St. Giles in the Fields
or one of them the said
sum of forth shillings which this Court doth Adjudge to be