Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010255

Image 255 of 56318th January 1739

this County and of Cryer of the General Quarter and General
Sessions of the Peace for the Said County are become Vacant
by the death of Andrew Osborne< no role > late House Keeper of Hicks
hall aforesaid and Cryer of the Said Sessions, Now upon
reading the Petition of Thomas Northcote< no role > of the Parish
of St. Giles in the Field in this County praying that this
Court will Please to Appoint him House Keeper of Hicks Hall
aforesaid and Cryer of the Said Sessions This Court being
Satisfyed that the Said Thomas Northcote< no role > is a fitt and
Proper Person to be So Appointed hath throught fitt And
doth hereby Constitute and appoint the Said Thomas
Northcote to be House Keeper of Hicks Hall aforesaid and
also Cryer of the General Quarter & General Sessions of
the Peace for this County in the Stead and Place of the
Said Andrew Osborne< no role > To have hold Execute and Enjoy
the Said Place of House Keeper and also the Said Office
of Cryer by himself or Such Sufficient Deputy or Deputys
at the Justices of the Peace of this County to be Assembled
in their General Quarter or General Sessions or the
Major Part of them Shall approve of, And by himself or
Such Deputy or Deputys to have receive and take to the
use of him the Said Thomas Northcote< no role > all Just & due
Fees Advantages Proffitts Enrolnments and Appurtenances
to the Said Place of House Keeper and Office of Cryer
respectively belonging or in any Wise appertaining
dureing the Pleasure only of the Justices of the Peace of
this County or the Major part of them Upon Condition
that the Said Thomas Northcote< no role > or Such Deputy House
Keeper to be approved of as aforesaid dureing the time that he the
Said Thomas Northcote< no role > Shall continue House Keeper
as aforesaid do Constantly reside and Inhabit at Hicks
Hall aforesaid, and Well and truely perform the business
& Place of HouseKeeper of Hicks Hall aforesaid and pay
the yearly Rent of Six Shillings and eight pence yearly to
the Trustees of the Estate belonging to this County or to the
Receiver of the Rents of the Said Estate to be Added to the
County Stock of the Said County, the First Payment to begin
and to be Made on the Feast Day of the Nativity of our
Said Lord Christ now next ensuing, And pay bear and
defray all and all manner of Taxes, Rates, Charges of
the New River Water, and Parish Dutys, And at the proper
Costs and Chargers of him the Said Thomas Northcote< no role >
of Such Deputy as aforesaid well and Sufficiently

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