By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738
Order for Mr. Thos.
Bromley's Bond (after
his Assignment of a
Policy of Insurance
agt. Fire) to be delivered
up to him, and for Mr.
John Higgs< no role >
the Trearer
of Middx
to pay
£11..3s..10d to Mr.
Nathaniel Blackerby< no role >
Nicholas Jeffreys< no role >
Richard Farwell< no role >
. being a Quorum of the Committee of
his Maties Justices of the peace
for the County of Middx
appointed by an Order made in January Sessions 1737 to
inspect the Bills of disbursments of Mr.
Thomas Bromley< no role >
late Housekeeper
& Cryer of this Court amounting to the Sum
of £20..4s..7d which he alledged to have been by him
disburst for Several repairs done at Hicks Hall
, for insuring
the Same against fire, and for other payments on account
of Hicks Hall
, And also that his Bond might be delivered
up which was by him given for keeping Hicks Hall in
repair, and delivering up the goods belonging to this
County mentioned in an Inventory written under the
Same to Such persons as the Justices in Sessions Should
appoint to take possession thereof for their use, and to
make their Report in writing touching the Premisses to
the end that what Sum of money Should be found due
to the Said Mr. Bromley might be paid as Soon as there
Should be money in hand for that purpose, And that his
the Said
Thomas Bromley< no role >
's Bond might be delivered up,
have made their Report in writing under their hands
touching the matters to them referred by the Said Order,
which Report is in the words & figures following (that
is to Say) - To
his Majesty< no role >
's Justices of the peace
for the
County of Middx
in their General Quarter Sessions
Assembled We
his Majesty< no role >
's Justices of the peace whose
Names are hereunto Subscribed being, amongst others,
appointed a Committee to inspect the Bills of disbursments
of Mr.
Thomas Bromley< no role >
late Housekeeper
& Cryer of this
Court amounting to the Sum of £20..4s..7d which he
alledged to have been by him disburst for Several
repairs done at Hicks Hall
, for insuring the Same
against fire, & for other payments on account of Hicks
Hall, and also that his Bond might be delivered up which
was by him given for keeping Hick Hall in repair, and
delivering up the goods belonging to this County
mentioned in an Inventory written under the Same to
Such persons as the Justices in Sessions Should appoint to
take possession thereof for their use, and to make their
Report in writing touching the premisses to the end that
what Sum of money Should be found due to the Said Mr.
might be paid as Soon as there Should be
money in hand for that purpose, And that his the Said
Thomas Bromley< no role >
's Bond might be delivered up Do