Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010208

Image 208 of 5638th December 1737

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 8th. day of Dec 1737

Order for electing Edwd.
Barker Esqr . to be
Chairman of the Court }

His Majesty< no role > 's Justices of the peace for the County of Middx
now assembled at this present General Sessions of the peace
holden for the Said County Do (Nemine contradicente) elect
Edward Barker< no role > Esqr . to be Chairman of this present Sessions
and also of the General Quarter and General Sessions of the
peace to be holden for the Same County before Easter one
thousand Seven hundred and thirty eight, And do Order
that their thanks be and they are hereby given to the
Said Mr. Barker for his acceptance of the Said Office of
Chairman .

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 8th. day of Decr. 1737

Order for Adjourning to the
next Quarter Sessions the
delivering in an Account
of those Justices who have
contributed & of those who
refuse to contribute to
defray the expence in &
about making the defence
to the allegations contained
in the petition of complaint
to the House of Commons
agt. the Justices}

It is Ordered by this Court that the delivering in an
Account (from the Commitee in this behalf appointed)
of the Names of the Justices of the peace of this County
who have contributed and of those who refuse to
contributed to defray the expence in & about making
the defence to the allegations contained in the Petition
of complaint which was preferred to the honble. House
of Commons against the Justices of the peace of the
Said County, be adjourned to next General Quarter
Sessions of the peace to be holden for the Same

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