By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 18th. day of May 1738
Order concerning the
House of Correction
It is Ordered by this Court that the delivering in a Report
from the Committee of Justices of the peace
of this County
concerning repaires wanting & necessary to be done to the
House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
in the Said County be
and the Same is hereby adjourned untill the County day of
the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace to be holden
for the Said County, And in the mean time It is hereby
recomended unto the Said Committee (to wit) Thomas
Nicholas Jeffreys< no role >
William Dobyns< no role >
Thomas Pindar< no role >
Simon Michell< no role >
Robert Tothill< no role >
Thomas Dummer< no role >
Theodore Smith< no role >
John Lawton< no role >
Nathaniel Blackerby< no role >
Richard Farwell< no role >
Jacob Harvey< no role >
John Mercer< no role >
John Martin< no role >
Anthony Chamberlain< no role >
Browning< no role >
Robert Hinde< no role >
Thomas Cotton< no role > This name instance is in set 3506.
John Elliott< no role > This name instance is in set 3963.
Richard Gifford< no role >
William Hayton< no role >
Honorat Smith William
Booth & Anthony Wroth Esquires
or any three of
them in the mean time to meet together at Hicks
hall in St. John Street
in this County on Thursday the
first day of June next at ten of the clock in the forenoon
to look into the Deeds relating to the estate belonging
to this County heretofore given or conveyed by Sr.
Baptist Hicks or any other person or persons, And to See
to what uses and purposes the rents & profits of the Said
estate were given, And to See what is now in hand
ariseing from the Said rents & profits, and if any part
thereof may be properly applyed towards repairing the
Said House of Correction, And due notice of the Said
Meeting is to be given to the Said Committee.
By the Court
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 18th. day of May 1738
Order agt. Justices & their
Clerks & Servants taking
money of Informers
agt. persons convicted
upon the Gin Act< no role >
A complaint haveing been made to this Court
concerning the receipt of moneys by the Clerks or
of Some Justices of the peace of this County from
those who inform against persons who Sell or retail
Geneva or other Spirituous liquors in less quantity than
two Gallons, without licence, contrary to the tenor of the
late Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for laying a Duty
upon retailing of Spirituous liquors and for licensing
Retailers thereof, comonly called the
Gin Act< no role >
, This Court doth
Declare that It is the Opinion of this Court that no moneys
fee, or reward ought to be taken by either the Justice, his
Clerk, or Servant from the money ariseing on the
Conviction of any person upon the Said Act.
By the Court