hundred and twenty pounds and also upon the petition of
John Sparkes< no role >
another of the Constables of the parish of
aforesaid complaining against the said Henry
Mackeris< no role >
and alledgeing that he could perform the service of
conveying of Vagrants cheaper than the same was done
for by the said Mackeris, And praying that the said Mackeris
might be debarred from acting, and that the said Sparkes
might be appointed by the Court to pass the Vagrants, It
was by an Order made by the said Court recomended and
referred unto his Maties Justices of the peace
for this County
residing within the hundred of Edmonton
in the said
County to examine into and consider of the matters
contained in the said respective petitions, And to inquire
and inform themselves by such ways and means as they
should think proper if the conveying of Vagrants in and
through this County could be contracted for at a less
expence to this County than the same was then done for
And to report their opinions in writing touching the
premisses unto this Court on this present Thursday the
thirteenth day of January instant being the County day
of this present General Quarter Sessions. Now upon Report
made unto this Court by the Right honble. Henry Lord
Colerane George Bourne< no role >
Abraham Addams< no role >
Coltman< no role >
James Colebrook< no role >
William Gould< no role >
Honor at Smith< no role >
and James Brain< no role >
. Justices of the peace
for this
County residing within the said hundred of Edmonton
that they have heard and examined the complaint of
the said John Sparkes< no role >
against the said Henry Mackeris< no role >
and strictly inquired into the truth of the severall allegations
setforth in the peticon of the said Sparkes against the said
Mackeris and that they find the same to be altogether
groundless and false, And that the said Henry Mackeris< no role >
hath duely and faithfully performed his office of passing
and conveying of Vagrants through this County as he
ought to doe, and that he ought to be continued in the
said office the same allowance of Sixty pounds P
Annm and that it appeared unto them upon