P Adjorn Jovis 3o. die Marcy 1725
Order for retorning
the thanks of the
Court to Tho: Abney< no role >
. the Chairman
for his great and
eminent Services
His Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex
now assembled at this present Generall Sessions of the
Peace holden for the said County Doe hereby Order
(Nomine contradicente) that the thanks of this Court be
and they are hereby given to
Thomas Abney< no role >
Esquire the
present Chairman of this Court
for his great and
eminent Services by him done for this County in the
prudent administration of Justice,
P adjorn Jovis 3o. die Marcy 1725
Order for electing
Sr. Daniel Dolius< no role >
. Chairman of
the Court in the
room of Thomas
Abney Esquire
His Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex
now assembled at this present Generall Sessions of the Peace
holden for the said County Doe (nomine contradicente)
elect Sir
Daniel Dolins< no role >
to be Chairman of the
Generall Quarter and Generall Sessions of the Peace
for this County (in the room of
Thomas Abney< no role >
the present Chairman) dureing the Terme of Six Months
next ensueing the End of this present Sessions,
P adjorn Jovis 3o. die Marcy 1725
Order for the Clerk
of the Peace to write
a second Letter to
Nicholas Philpott< no role >
. to be present
at Hickshall on
Friday 4th. of March
Whereas a Letter was written and sent by the Clerk of the
Peace of this County pursuant to an Order made at the
last Generall Quarter Sessions unto
Nicholas Philpott< no role >
one of the Justices of the Peace of this County to acquaint
him that his Majesties Justices of the Peace
of the said
County desired he would please to Dine with them at
on this present Thursday the Third day of
March instant being County day of this present
Sessions at one of the Clock in the afternoon and after
dinner to answer a complaint against him for detaining
the Book wherein the Minutes or Orders of the Petty
Sessions at Edgeware are entred, And the said Mr.
Philpott not dineing at Hickshall
on this day nor
being present to answer the said complaint It is
Ordered by this Court (Nemine contradicente) that a
second Letter be written by the Clerk of the Peace and