cast to repaire the same, And to treat with Workmen touching the
repaire thereof, And to certify an Accompt of their proceedings
with their opinions in writing touching the premisses as soon
as may be to the Court of Generall or Quarter Sessions of the peace
to be holden for this County to the end such further Order may
be made as the Court shall think just,
P adjorn Jovis 21o. die Aprili's 1726
Order made on hearing
the matter of the
complaint against Nichas
Philpott Esqr for detaining
the Minute book of the
special sessions for the
Hundred of Gore
Whereas by an Order made by the Court of the last Generall Sessions of
the peace holden for this County of Middx by adjornment on
saturday the Fifth day of March last It was recomended and
referred to his Maties Justices of the peace
for this County residing
within the Hundred of Gore
in the same County or any three or
more of them to draw up a Representation to the right honble.
the Lord high Chancellor of Great Britain against
philpott< no role >
Esqr one of the Justices of the peace
of the said County
relateing to his conduct in concealing the book wherein the
Minutes or Orders of the petty Sessions of his Maties Justices of the
peace of this County holden at Edgeware
in the said County are
entred and to his neglect in not attending the Court pursuant to
severall Letters written and sent to him by the Clerke of the
peace of this County by direction of the Court desireing him to
appear at the said last Generall Sessions to answer the
complaint made against him for detaining the said book
and that the Draught of the said Representation should be
laid before the Court of this present Generall Quarter Sessions
Sessions of the peace for this County at Hicks Hall
on this
present Thursday the twenty first day of April instant being
the County day of the same Sessions at three of the clock in the
afternoon for the further direction of the Court touching the
same, And that notice should be given to the said Mr Philpott
to be present at the same Sessions at Hicks Hall
at the time
aforesaid, Now upon hearing of what was alledged by William
Dobyns Esqr and others of his Maties Justices of the peace
for this
County resideing within the said Hundred of Gore and also by
the said Mr Philpott who was present and produced the aforesaid
book wherein are contained the Minutes of the speciall Sessions
for the said Hundred This Court is of opinion And doth resolve