London Ss
The Information of Mathew
Shalvon of Shoreditch
in the County
of midx
taken upon Oath
before me
William Plomer< no role >
Mayor of the City of Lord on the
7th December 1781
Who South that on Thursday the 29th of
November last Bridget the Wife of
James Baxter< no role >
came to Informant at
his House with another Woman in
Company with her and Complained
She had peat pain in the parts of
Generation that upon examining [..]
of her he found the Parts much inflamed and a
Mercers discharge She told him she had been
ill used is a gentleman
, but did not say by whom
who had filled and hanled her about untill the
got his ends of her [..] he asked her of she
suspected her Husband she said she did not, he,
told her, her Complaint might turn out, Vencrist
the, he could not then be certain; but this Informant
gave her us Medecine
Nathw Fraham< no role >
Taken and Sworn the
Day and Year first above
mentioned before}
Wm Plomer< no role >