[..] to wit [..]
[..] This [..]
of [..] gham
[..] before me Girt on peake [..] oath
Justices of the peace
for [..] his majesties
[..] day of January 1749 [..] County this First
[..] mant saith an [..]
[..] her last past between [..] first say
[..] this Deponent's [..]
[..] he aforesaid robbed of [..] Forty hours of one and three [..]
[..] Spoons a pair of Silver Shor Birmingham
instant [..]
[..] his Informant further sayth [..]
[..] very good reason that will [..]
[..] suspecte [..] Informant further [..]
[..] att [..] said Spoons and is able [..]
[..] to be the person who [..]
[..] Felony and Burglary and sayth he verily believes that [..]
[..] the said William Watson< no role >
is now confirmed in [..]
[..] of London
Sworn at Birmingham
[..] the day and aforesaid
before Girton Peake< no role >
Robt. Moore< no role >
This is a true Copy of [..] Information
of the abovenamed Robert Moore< no role >
Before in The original of wh [..]
hands [..]
Girton Peake< no role >