Lancelot Johnson< no role >
of the vessell called the
Anne of Bridlington in Yorke Sheire
aged & Thirty & five
shares or thereabouts And Thomas [..] / dle a Mariner
the Same Shipp aged Twoo & twenty Yeares or thereabout
doe severally make Hath That on the Nineth day of
October 1706
. There was Stupped on board the said
vessell att South Scleido, being a sound us [..] In the Bishoppricke of Durham
2720 Bushells of White Salt on the Accompt of Mr.
John Lewis< no role >
of London
to be delivered to him
being the Owner thereof in the Port of London
which the Duty had beene paid to Her Majesty according
to the Act of Parliament in Such behalfe And that on
the Fourteenth day of the Same Moneth of October
The Same Vessell proceeding on itts Voyage for the
Port of London
It Soe happened That near Harwich
in the County of Essex
The Said vessell & 2720 Bushells
of White Salt soe Shipped therein as aforesaid were
lost att Sea by violent and Stormy weather And was
not occasioned by any Leakage of the said Vessell Nor
by any negligence or Default of the said Lancelott
Johnson< no role >
The Master
or the Mariners
or any of them
for in Dur xo. Ind 1706
Lancelott Johnson< no role >
The Marke
Thomas [mark] Jole< no role >