Thomas Trumble< no role >
Stephens Higgins< no role >
The Pthe Declars on an indebtat
asst for my & Exr
Non Asst pleaded
Pro defent
The Case
The pthe pleade he was a Seaman
on boare the Kings This
agree the Hurford, and had £ iiyiij s Ane to him which ninthe
yeare 1692 is entred downe in the Shipps Broke as Pet to Stephen
Higgins< no role >
by a Lre of Attorney, for which he brings this Decon
The pte has usualls [..] the Seamer Wages, but
woods pred this money, or had my Lre of Attorney from ye Ptte
Note This money was paid at the Busy in ye Nore
& The Defende can poor he was not there at the
paying off the ship}
Capt Harlow
Mc Jethroate
The Parsen of the Ship at the Same time
rent his wages which he sent by the Mate to
be paid to the defende in London But the
metran away wth the money}
the same
To pve there was oneHiggins a
in yt Ship at the Same time who
P badly might therein [..] }
Ask the Clerk
who pduses the
K's Booke 158
To pve that in other Shipping sen all sumes
have bin charged as Paint to the defende
which he Wrote [..] }
To prove it is very frequent that missing
are paid ryon Lres of Other to him who
brings the Letter of Attor (the he is not
named in it) and yet in the Bookes they
enter downe the Attorney ye name}
Mr Oratin
John Newman< no role >
To poe that the prse hath declared that
he had never made any Lrd of Accor
to the defended to receive his wages}
Rich Shipley< no role >