to wit
The Informations of
Joseph Rogers< no role >
Jealous< no role >
taken before me this 4th.. day of
September 1781.
Who being on Oath and first the said Joseph Rogers< no role >
Says, that he was Coachman to Arthur Shakespeare< no role >
on the Second of June last, when he was robbed by four
Footpads near Ratcliffe Highway
; and that he drove the
Carriage in which he was robbed; and further says he
doth verily believe that a Person now present who
calls himself John Stewart< no role >
, is one of the said Foot-
Pads; and doth likewise believe that a Brass Pistol now
produced is the same Pistol which was presented
at the time of the Robbery, by the said John Stewarts< no role >
And the said Charles Jealous< no role >
says that on the 28th..
of August last he apprehended the said John Stewart< no role >
in his Lodging in a Court in Fleet Street
, in which
Lodging he found the Pistol now produced, a Dark
Lanthorn, an Iron Crow,andseveral Pick lock Keys,
and a Hanger.
Sworn before me this
4th.. day of Septemr.. 1781}
Joseph Rogers< no role >
Charles Jelbus< no role >
W Addington