to wit}
The Information of
Mc. Donald< no role >
taken before me one of
his Majestys Justices of the peace in and
for the said County
Who being upon Oath saith that on Monday
the 30th. of July last 1781 he had been and received
Nineteen Guineas and one Shilling from Christopher
Stephenson< no role >
of the Lady Indiana for and
on Account of Wages in a Voyage performed from
Jamaica< no role >
to London that at the time he received sd.
Mony he had in his Pocket one Dollar and two
Shillings in Silver, and this Informt. further
saith that after he received the sd. Money to
was going home to his Lodgings when he was
Accosted by a Person now present who calls
herself Margaret Beale< no role >
who persuaded
him to go with her to her Lodgings on Salt
pete bank when he being in Liquor she
robbed him of Eighteen Guineas in Gold
and the Dollar aforementioned, And this
Informt further saith that he is positive
sure that she sd Margaret Beale< no role >
is the person
who feloniously took and Carried away the
Monies aforesd. and in the Manner abovementd
Sworn before me the
Sixth day of August 1781
Jno Sherwood< no role >
Charles [mark] Mc Donald< no role >