At the Delivery of the King's Gaol of Newgate
holden for the County of Middlesex
at Justice Hall
in the Old Bailey
in the Suburbs of the City of London
on Wednesday
the seventeenth day of January in the tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord George the third now King of Great Britain Etc and in the Year of our
Lord 1770
For Judgment
William Corby< no role >
Christopher Busby< no role >
Attd. of a Robbery in the Highway on Mary Warren< no role >
& takingherGoods V. 40s. from her Pson
William Patterson< no role >
. of a Robbery in the Highway on Jno. Chambers< no role >
taking Goods & Money V. 47s. from his Pson.
Benjamin Jones< no role >
. of a Robbery in the Highway on Robt. Thyer
& taking Goods
& Money V. £10.8s. from his Pson
William Moody< no role >
John Jones< no role >
. of Burgl breaking & Entring the Dwelling house of Jno
Wood< no role >
& Steal Goods & Money Val £17.16s.1d of sd. Jno. in the
same dwelling house
Thomas Dunk< no role > This name instance is in set 3656.
. of a Robbery in a certain Pen Plue near the Highway on
Jno. Read< no role >
& taking Goods & Money Val £4.18s from his pson
John Chapman< no role >
. of a Robbery in the Highway on John Cheyne< no role >
& taking
Goods & Money V. 13s.9d from his Pson
John Lister< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
Isaac Pemberton< no role >
. of Burgl breaking & Entring the Dwelling house of Sr. Thos.
Wilson< no role >
. & Steal Goods V. £4.19s. of sd. Sr. Thos. in the same
Dwelling house
Trans: 14 Years
Sarah Hill< no role >
Convd. as an Accessary after the fact for receiving Pcel
of the Goods whereof Jno. Lister< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
Isaac Pemberton< no role >
hath at this Session been Convicted of Steal knowing
the same to have been Stolen agt. the Statute Etc
Trans 7 Years
William Harrison< no role >
Convd. of Steal Goods V. 39s. of Jno. Hillman< no role >
Esqr. & Goods
V. 39s. of Francis Roberts< no role >
Charles Pyne< no role >
Convd. (by his own Confess) of Steal Goods V. £10. of Thos. Becket< no role >
& Peter
Abraham De Hondt
Benjamin Watkins< no role >
Convd. of Steal Goods V. 10s. of David Nelson< no role >
John Cox< no role >
Convd. of Steal Goods V. £20. of Primrose Thompson< no role >
William Powney< no role >
Benjamin Church< no role >
Convd. of Steal Goods V. £3. [..] d of Henry Stevenson< no role >
John Rodolph Legrand< no role >
Convd. of Steal Goods V. £6.4s of Edwd. Aldridge< no role >
& Wm. Woodworth< no role > This name instance is in set 1697.
Lewis Fanting Convd. of Steal Goods V. £4.12s of the Rt. Hoble Jno. Earl of Buckinghamshire