Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150054

Image 54 of 45817th January 1770

John Hasham< no role >
John Inch< no role > }
Comitted by Sr. Jno. Fielding< no role > Knt . on Oath of Peter Smith< no role > &
others for fel Assaulting him on the King's highway putting
him in fear & fel taking from his Pson 15s. in Money &
upwards in the County of Essex Is Ordered to be sent to he
Comon Gaol of the sd. County of Essex

Edward Davis< no role >
John Randall< no role > }
Attainted last Session of Sevl. Felonies & Burglaries &
reced Judgmt, of Death but being respited are Ordered
to remain until they shall by discharged by due Course
of Law

Elias Wilkinson< no role >
Convd. at the Assizes holden for the County of Huntingdon of
Felony & Ordered to be Transported but being brot. form on
Board the Transport Vessell by Virtue of ann Order under the
hand of the Rt. Hble Lord Weymouth one of his Maties prime
Secretaries of State is Ordered to remain until he shall be
Discharged by due Course of Law

Peter Farrell< no role >
Comitted [..] in July Sesn. on the Coroners Inquisition for
the Wilful Murder of Owen Goug< no role > his Ordered to remain
until he Shall be discharged by due Course of Law

William Lykes< no role >
Judith Balding< no role >
John Abraham< no role > als Abrahams< no role >
John Creamer< no role >
Jonathan Hall< no role >
Daniel Strutt< no role >
John Priest< no role >
Jacob Suarrowbone
John Hindmarsh< no role >
Patrick Murphy< no role >
Jno. Watson als Wm. Davis< no role >
Ann Claxton< no role > als Darling als
Sarah Haycock< no role > }
formerly Attainted of Sevl. Felonies Burglaries and
Robberies and reced Judgment of death but being
respited are Ordered to remain until they shall be
Discharged by due Course of Law

Andrew Kenrick Lungreen< no role >
George Crowder< no role >
William Clarke< no role >
John Symonds< no role >
WilliamRichardIroy< no role >
James Fife< no role >
Mary Davidson< no role > }
Attainted October Session of Sevl. Feloniously Burglaris
and Robberies and reced Judgement of Death but
being respited are Ordered to remain until they
shall be discharged by due Course of Law

Samuel Davis< no role >
Formerly Comitted by the Court of King's Bench man
Outlawry of High Treason is Ordered to remain until
he shall be discharged by due Course of Law

Joseph Waldeck< no role >
Formerly Attainted of Felony and reced Judgment of
Death but having reced his Majesty's Mercy on Condition
of Transportation for fourteen Years is Ordered to
remain until he shall be so Transported

By the Court

John Leviston< no role >
Comttd by B Camper Esqr on Oath of Joseph Maddin< no role >
for being Guilty of diverse felonies & Robberies on
the Highway is Ordered to remain until Etc

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