Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450150065

Image 65 of 4582nd February 1770

Middlesex To wit

The Information of Richard Hopkins< no role > and
William Taylor< no role > taken before me this 2nd.
day of February 1770

Who being upon Oath severally say and first the said Richard Hopkins< no role >
for himself says that last Night he had stolen from his house near
Westminster Bridge a Silver Pint now produced, that he verily
believes the Said Pint was stolen by a Person now present who
calls himself William Lambert< no role > who was at his house last
Night a little before the said Silver Pint was missed, and the
said William Taylor< no role > for himself says that he found the said
Silver Pint now produced in the Possession of the said William
< no role > now present

Sworn before me
Febry 2. 1770}

Richard Hopkin< no role >
Willam: Taylor< no role >


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