City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1796 - 30th December 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650090575

Image 575 of 67717th November 1796


Deposition of a Witness taken at the Parish of
Saint George the Martyr within the Borough of
Southwark in the County of Surrey this 17th. day
of November 1796 on view of the body of John
Francis Morgan< no role > now here lying Dead.

James Brown< no role > a Prisoner in His Majesty< no role > 's Gaol for the
County of Surrey maketh oath that he hath known the
deced John Francis< no role > Morgan about twelve Months that
he was a Prisoner in the said GaolThat on Tuesday Morning
last Dept. hearing the deced had been taken ill in the right
of Monday went to himThat the deced told Dept. he had
been taken ill in the Night with a shortness of Breath
That the deced was taken to the Hospital in the Gaol on
Tuesday Morningthat Mr. Sanmarey the Surgeon of the
Gaol saw the deced the same MorningThat the deced
continued ill from that time until Yesterday Noon
when he departed this LifeDept. attended the deced
during his illness he was also attended by the Surgeon
of the Gaol. That the deced hart a Fever on him the whole
time and at times he was quite ravingthat he had
such necessary things as ever a fit for him during his

Sworn this 17th: day of November
1796 before me}

James Brown< no role >

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