Depositions of a Witnesses taken at London
that is to say, at the Parish of Christ Church
the Ward of Farringdon
within in London
aforesaid this 28th. day of September 1796 on view
of the Body of
James West< no role >
now here lying Dead
Clark Hilliard< no role >
a Prisoner
in His Majesty< no role >
's Goal of Newgate
maketh oath that he hath known the deced James West< no role >
a from
Tuesday week last that he was a Prisoner in the said Goal that
he came into the Sick ward where Dept. attends on that Day
ill in a decline which he had been afflicted with as Dept. understood
from him sometime-That he continued to decline dailyuntiland
confined to his Bed until Sunday Night last when he departed
this LifeThat he was attended by the Surgeon of the Gaol
during his illness and Dept. has no doubt the aforesaid complaint
occasioned the deceds death
Clark Hillyard< no role >
Sworn this 28th. day of September
1796 before me}