An Inquisition Indented taken for our Sovereign Lord the King at London that
is to say at the parish of Saint Catherine Cree
in the Ward of Aldgate
in London aforesaid
on the seventh day of October in thirty sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George of
the third King of Great Britain and so forth
Thomas Shelton< no role >
our said Lord the King for the City of London
and Borough of Southwark
on view of the body
Soloman Jonas< no role >
now here lying dead by the oath of
William Edmonds< no role >
John Williams< no role >
Samuel Sanigeer< no role >
Richard Sanders< no role >
George Shuter< no role >
Henry Higgin< no role >
Samuel Nicklin Thomas
Brown Joseph< no role >
Lambert Michael< no role >
James Low< no role >
William Metcalf< no role >
Ralph Lane< no role >
Charles Wilkins< no role >
John Steel< no role >
William Harling< no role >
Benjamin Merriman< no role >
Alexander Sparkhall< no role >
Nathaniel Merriman< no role >
John Lloyd< no role >
good and lawful Men of the City of London
aforesaid who being now here duly chosen sworn and charged to inquire for our said
Lord the King when how and in what manner the said
Solomon Jonas< no role >
came to his death
Day upon their oath that the said
Solomon Jonas< no role >
on the sixth day of October in the
Year aforesaid not being of sound mind memory and understanding but lunatic and
distracted with a certain clasp knife of the value of one penny which he in his night
hand then and there had and hold the throat of himself the said
Solomon Jonas< no role >
did then
and there violently cut thereby giving to himself the said
Solomon Jonas< no role >
one mortal wound
in and upon his throat of which said mortal wound he the said
Solomon Jonas< no role >
did then
and there the stantly die and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that the said
Solomon Jonas< no role >
not being of sound mind memory and understanding but lunatic under
distracted in manner and by the means aforesaid did kill himself-In Witness
whereof as well the said Coroner as the said
William Edmonds< no role >
the foreman of the said
Jurors on behalf of himself and the rest of his fellows in their presence have to this
Inquisition set their hands and seals the day year and place first above written
Wm Edmonds< no role >