Desposition of Witness taken at London
that is to say, at the Parish of Saint Bridget
otherwise Bride in the Ward of Farringdon
without in London
aforesaid this 19th day of
November 1792 on view of the Body of
John Freeman< no role >
now here lying Dead
Rice Baynom of Fleet Market London
maketh Oath that he hath attended the deced between
five and Six years during which the deced was very
much afflicted with a nervam Complaint which Dept
was of opinion had been occasioned by drinking
that on Wednesday last the deced applyed to Dept. for
some Medicine that he appeared in a very Nervous way
she [..] very much [..] and appeared in a very low state
Dept. gave him some Medicine that Dept. being sent
for called on the deced about half had eight on Friday
Night last that he found the deced in Bed in a three
pair of Stairs back Room in the House of Mrs. Harvey
of Fleet Market
a Vine Vault to whom the deced had
been a Servant
for some time a Dept. examined the deced
having reced inform on that the deced had fell from the
Window of said Room that he a found a violent contusion
on the back of the deced nearly opposite the Kidnies
a small Wound on the [..] of the left Thigh-and a
Contusion on the back part of the Head that he was
insensible-Dept. [..] applyed such Remedies an was
necessary that the deced died at Dept. was informed
in the warne of that Night-that during the some Dept
has known the deced he has always been in a lose
nervous way and Dept. has [..] always considered
him as deranged in his Mind [..] the deced after when
Dept. has seen him talking incoherently
Sworn the 19th day of November 1792
before me}
Reid Baynon