Paid Mr. Frigrams for a gross of points as p receipt 1-7-0
29 Paid to the Workhouse
for 3 Children 5 weeks as & receipt0-15-0
31 To Birdgett Brock0-1-0
Paid Nurse Peace For & weeks for Mrs Levingston1-0-6
Sept 7th To Bridgett Brock< no role >
9 To a Child laid to us Dina Dionis Money laid out for her for Necessarys & other
Charges & sending to Nurse at Chigwell Row}0-12-6
14 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
15 Paid Mr. Oliphant< no role >
as p receipt0-10-7
Mr. Halls Grift< no role >
of 5th distributed as followeth
To Martin0-10-0
To Court0-8-0
To Widow Parr0-14-6
To Widow Deaves0-10-0
To Whitkin 0-10-0
To Fox0-10-0
To Widow Grigman0-5-0
To Levingston< no role >
To Goody Slaughter0-5-0
To Bell0-7-6
To Anne Smith< no role >
To Countess0-10-0
15 To the Ringers for the takeing of Landan 0-10-0
21 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
28 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
Paid Nurse Pease for 4 weeks for Mrs Levingston1-0-0
Paid to Waddenham briefe as & receipt0-14-6
30 To Fare Price for Massey 14 weeks due ye 28th Instant0-19-6
To Nurse Palmer due ye 25th0-10-0
Oct 1st To Susan Slaughter< no role >
¼ due 29th Septr1-6-0
To Wm Court his Quarteridge 1-12-6
To Fox ¼1-0-0
To the Poor a penny a week for a ¼ to Michael mas0-13-0
2 Paid Richd. Brockley Nursing 5 Children due 29th Sept. as & receipt7-13-8
To Widow Martin4-5-6
To Bridgett Brock 0-1-6
5 Paid to the workhouse
for 3 Children 4 weeks as & receipt0-12-0
12 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
13 Laide out for Clothes for Poor Children & Mr Fox as & bill & receipt1-9-8
14 Paid Dan: Duke
for the use of Mr Michells Almgmen as p receipt and 8d for acquittance0-3-8
To Money spent going to see the Children at Chigwell
& to wave to the Tennants 2 days3-7-6
Paid house five for Mr Michell and Tewsley 2 days0-10-0
19 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
21 Paid [..]
Robert Norman< no role >
for Nursing 3 Children as p receipt6-12-6
26 Paidhouse Pease for 4 weeks for Mrs. Levingston
Bridgett Brock< no role >
expence about Kingford as p note40-18-11