To Tanner for takeing Robt. Hamond apprentice05 0 0
8th To Bridgett Brock< no role >
00 1 6
To a man, Wife & 2 Children past P Lord Mayor< no role >
00 2 0
To Massey To pay his rent00 3 0
9 To Money spent at ye Miter when Chose ward Offices01 16 0
To Money to Mrs Parr being in want of shifting00 13 0
To Aldridge for 2 weeks for Browne00 10 0
12 To a forme of Prayer for a fast ye 19th Instant00 2 0
14 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
00 1 6
To Eliz: Stones lodgeing to ye 11th Instant & buying some Necessarys agt;
lyeing in
00 8 0
15 To spent at the Miter on the Vestry then00 10 0
16 To money spent at the Miter on ye receiveing the fines & on ye Collects01 14 6
22 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
00 1 6
To Aldrige 2 weeks for Browne00 10 0
To Aldreman Abdeys Gift as P Vestry book07 1 0
To Robt. Warham ¼ nurseing as P receipt03 15 0
23 To the Chamberlane for Moroccer Slaves as P receipt29 7 9
To goody Alsop00 2 6
26 To Masses rent for 2 weeks00 3 2
To Susan Slaughter in full for ¼01 0 0
To a man & boy passed by the Lord Mayor00 0 6
To a Certificate with 2 Justices Hand for Eliz: Stone00 2 0
To widow Pearce one month for Leviston01 0 0
27 To Harris her quartridge01 3 0
To Wm Court Ditto00 12 6
29 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
00 1 6
To Deaves her quartridge01 12 6
30 To fox as P Bill & receipt03 1 0
To Martins Quartridge02 5 6
To Jpsley for 3 Children as P Bill & receipt05 10 0
To the work House as P receipt00 12 6
31 To nurse Aldrige00 1 0
To 3 poor people of Louch & Goodmans money00 3 6
To a woman & 3 Children by a Pas00 0 4
Jan: 5th To Bridgett Brock< no role >
00 1 6
To Aldrige 2 weeks for Browne00 10 0
12 To Bridgett Brock< no role >
00 1 6
14 To widow Harris ¼ rent to write00 10 0
15 To Brackley nurseing 2 Children as P receipt03 15 0
18 To Eliz: Stones lodgeing to Mrs Mercer00 2 0