brought over63 06 04
December: 28 Paid Mr Court ¼ pention01 02 06
pd Mrs Martin ¼ pention02 05 06
pd Mrs Fox's bill as P receipt02 18 00
31 pd nurse Woreman for 2 children ¼03 15 00
pd into the Chemberlains Office being collectted as P Kings
petter}09 08 06
pd Mr Whiskin< no role >
for washing & inending ye linnen 1 years to xmas02 10 00
pd Mrs Parr ¼ rent due at Christmas last01 10 00
[..] an: 2d pd Margarett Hoult nurseing 1 child 2 weeks00 05 00
pd nurse Brackley for 2 children ¼03 12 10
3 pd to the workhouse
for 4 children 4 weeks00 16 00
11 pd Mr Veule for varnishing the Church branch P order
of vestry}02 12 06
15 pd to the Collectors of Criplegate parish as P receipt06 00 00
18 pd Susan Slaughter< no role >
¼ pention01 06 00
pd nurse Hoult for 1 child 2 weeks00 05 00
21 pd the Apothecaryes bill for Mrs Harris when sick01 04 00
23 pd cloathing Elizabeth Dionis & othr, necessaries01 07 00
spent att the Miter when Mr Roger Tindalls< no role >
Gift was
disposed}00 16 00
24 pd Mr Hankey for the Interest of 125 as P receipt07 10 00
28 pd nurse Hoult for 1 child 2 weeks00 05 00
pd to teh Workhouse
for 4 Children 4 weeks00 16 00
Feb: 12 pd nurse Hoult for 1 child 2 weeks00 05 00
pd Mrs Fox assisting a poor woman & child ex parish00 00 06
14 pd the Apothecaryes bill for Mrs Wagstaf as P receipt00 06 06
pd for ringing of the bells on the Kings proclamation day00 10 00
17 pd Mr Whingard in part for makeing Mr Parkers Lease00 15 00
spent on Jacob Parker< no role >
when sealed the lease00 01 00
26 pd nurse Hoult for 1 child 2 weeks00 05 00
March 1st pd Mrs Fox helping a woman with childe out of the
parish}00 01 00
pd for painting Mr Cooks door00 06 00
7 pd mr fox for private service to the Parish02 11 00
12 pd to the workhouse
for 4 Children 4 weeks as P receipt00 16 00
13 pd a nurse for Mrs Wagstaffe being sick00 10 00
pd nurse Hoult for her self & 1 child 2 weeks00 07 06
27 pd nurse Brackley for 2 children 1 quarter03 12 10
17 pd Mrs Parr being sick & her 2 daughters00 10 00
21 spent att the Miter with the Collectors00 06 00