The Accompt of John Lambe< no role >
the parrish of St. Dyonis Back Church London for & concerning Receipts and
payments by reason of the said Office by the said John Lambe< no role >
from and after Easter
being the Time he was chosen there unfor [..] hill the Feast of Easter 1699. in ye
Eleaventh yeare of the Reigne of Our Sovereigne Lord William the third King of
£ s d
1698 [..] 2d Recd by Cash of ye Collector: of the poore40 00 00
30th By Cash of Do.12 00 00
Febr: 13 By Cash of Ditto43 00 00
Decemb: 11th By Cath of Ditto12 00 00
January 11th. By Cash of Ditto31 00 00
Feb: 4th By Cash of Ditto15 00 00
Feb: 6th By Cash for Burialls06 00 00
March 18th By Cash of ye Collector of ye Poor22 00 00
Aprill 14th. By Cash of Ditto22 00 00
27. By Cash of Ditto06 00 00
By Cash of Burialls10 15 00
May 12th By Cash of ye Carpenters Company ye Gift of Mr Tho. Warham00 07 00
By Cash of ye Pewterr Company00 09 00
By Cash of ye Anner Company02 12 00
By Cash of Mr Longrieff05 00 00
By Cash of Jacob Parker< no role >
de Romford08 00 00
By Cash of Mr Child A Fine for not serving Constable06 00 00
By Cash of Mr Rothwell A Fine for One Year Quef01 00 00
By Cash of Benjamin Patman< no role >
of Ware Allowed him for Taxes 18th05 02 00
By Cash of Wm. Wilson< no role >
of Ware & allowed for Taxes £1:10s due att Michaelmas08 10 00
By Cash of Sr Robt: Jefferies< no role >
Due att Our Lady Day Allowed for Taxes £5 8s30 12 00
By Cash of ye Ironmongers Company00 03 00
By Cash ye Lady of Comer Gift01 00 00
By Cash of ye Gift of SrEdwardRobt Clarke02 00 00
By Cash of Mrs Denham Due att Our Lady Day & allowed for Taxes 15s04 05 00
By Cash of Mr Stookes Churchwarden of St. Mary Woolworth
ye Gift of
Sr. Jno Percivall< no role >
being One Shilling & four pence P Yeare for 4 Yeares Due
att Our Lady Day last & spent 4d}00 05 00
By Cash Recd. of ye Collector: of ye Poore18 08 00
313 15 00
An Accompt of Sacrament Money
Recd. by John Lambe< no role >
1698 [..] 5th Recd:of Mr. Tho: Dooke Minister00 06 00
12 By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 11 00
19 By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 06 00
3d. By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 13 00
[..] 7 By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 07 00
4 By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 11 00
[..] 2 By Cash Recd. of Ditto01 01 00
6 By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 13 00
4 By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 10 00
24 By Cash Recd. of Ditto01 12 00
[..] 1st By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 15 00
[..] 5th By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 15 00
[..] 5th By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 14 00
[..] 2th By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 10 00
[..] 9th By Cash Recd. of Ditto02 02 00
[..] 15th By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 03 00
17th By Cash Recd. of Ditto00 10 [..]