brought At [..] 93 9 3
£ S D
May 7 To Mrs Parr00 07 00
To Mrs Deeves00 03 00
To Mr Martin00 03 00
To Mrs Bell00 03 00
To Mr Comcts00 03 00
To Susanna Slaughter< no role >
00 03 00
To a poor family00 05 04
To Mrs Brock00 03 00
To goody Grigman00 02 00
To goody Harris00 03 00
15 04 07
An Accompt of Money Paid by
William Holloway< no role >
for Accompt of the Parish of St.
Dionis Bachchurch
£ s d
May 4th 1700 Paid at the Visitation at Bow Church
00 17 06
5 pd Mrs Harris When sick00 02 06
11 pd Mr Nutmaker for 10 dozen of Mans00 07 06
pd Mrs Ingram for 9 grose of poynts01 07 00
15 pd Mrs Harris being sick00 05 00
25 pd Mrs Harris being very sick00 05 00
27 pd the Apothecary
for John Welbornes sicknesse00 07 00
June 1st pd to the Work-house
for 2 Children 1s P week for one
month & one child 1 week & 4 dayes}00 09 08
2 pd a poor Minister00 03 00
4 pd cloathing of John Welborne< no role >
09 06 00
pd the Beedle of the workhouse
00 00 06
8 pd Mrs Harris00 02 06
11 pd Carpenters work att Mrs Parkers Collier< no role >
Row as
P receipt}04 17 00
pd the Bricklaier
for pining up the ground place of
that house}00 07 06
12 pd into the Chamberlains Office for redeeming of
Slaves out of Salley as P receipt}37 03 10½
25 pd Margrett fox her bill & quarteridge as P receipt06 07 06
pd Mary Martins ¼ pention 3s:6d P week02 05 06
55 14 06