1690 The Account of Walter Ryan
Accompt. Churchwarden of St. Dyeme Bark Church London for and
Canerneing the Receipts and Paymt by Reason of the said Office
by the Sd. walter P year from the Feast of Easter R 90 being the
fine hee was chosen her went into upto the Feast of Easter 1691
And in the second yeare of William and Mary by the Grace of
God King and Queene of England
and Ireland
[..] Defenders of the Faith Etc
£ s d
Jan 16th Reced the Ballance of mr George Stanards Acct00 :07:06
Recd of the Armowery Compqy wch was left in ye Poore
July 17th Reiced of mr Reynolds and mr Hind Collr ye Poore11:00:00
Augt 29th Reced of and Jar
[..] Parker of Romford Smith in
26th Reced of
Miles Whilkin< no role >
on Acct. of Buriall10:00:00
Reced more of mr
Jacob Parker< no role >
P Note01:10:00
Oct Reced of mr Danidle Rawlinson & Foster Collrs
for the Poore
8th Reced for Acct. of A Breife for the Five in [..]
Lavington in the County of Wilter}00:16:07
Reced of St. Robt. Jeffreys< no role >
for ½ yeares rent due
Let Michas} 18:00:00
23 Reced of mr Daniell Rawingson< no role >
and Foster Collr
for the Poore} 17:02:04
31st Reced for Acct. of A Breife for the Fire in Southwarke07:03:00
Novr. 17th Rd. of mr Miles To his in for Acct. of Burialls08:15:00
Deb 22 Reced of mr Deputy Wood for burying his Lady in
} 02:10:00
Janry 2d Reced of mr Jno. Blackale< no role >
his Fire for Churchwarden10:00:00
3 Reced of mr Wm: Booker his Fire for Stavenger
Constable Etc} 10:00:00
Reced of mr Bejn. Bateman Ayearer rent due at
Michael last} 06:00:00
21 Reced by Collection for the Poore of our owne & he out pishes12:04:07½
23 Reced of mr Danl Rawlinson< no role >
and Foster Collrs for ye Poore34:18:00
Re for Acct of Breife for the Fire att Morepeth North [..] 01:02:08
March 8th Rd. for madm in Letten Sr Robt Clarkes< no role >
1691 31st Rd of Sw Robt Jeffryes< no role >
forst of yeares rent due att Lady day last18:00:00
Apr 2d Rd of mr
in faces for a yeare rent due att Lady day last05:00:00
7 Rd of the Ironmongers Counts P George Palnyes< no role >
23 Rd of the mr Wm. Thomas< no role >
for his Fire for [..] ppear Churchwarden07:00:00
Rd of the Armoures Comp [..] by Collection00:17:00
27 Rd of the Thomas Hind< no role >
the Guift of any Lady P sboared01:06:08
28 Rd of mr Jacob Parker< no role >
of Rumford
for rent in full to
Lady day Cap} 04:00:00
30 Reced of mr Henry Wilford< no role >
for [..] due all Michal Case10:00:00
Rd of mr Danl Rawlinson< no role >
& [..] Collr, for the Poore16:02:05
do, Rd of Miles which in for 11 Burially07:05:08
Money in hand reced att Fast dayes02:14:10½
May 13 Rd of mr Edwd. [..] and mr Danl. Baughan< no role >
being the hall and of
the Scavege money} 02:08:00
40 Rd of miles which in [..] Byrialls00:11:00
Rd of mr Danl Rowlinson< no role >
To mr [..] for the Poore06:04:00
19 Rd of mr Miles Whilkin< no role >
for our Buriale00:08:00