Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

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Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020044

Image 44 of 21111th August 1789

At a General Court Holden at Carpenter's Hall on
Tuesday the 11th- day of August 1789

PresentPeter Thompson< no role > Esqr .Master

Mr. Johnson
Mr. Edgerton
Mr. Lawrence

And most of the Assistants and Livery

This Day being appointed and agreed upon for the Election of
of Master and Wardens to Govern this Company for the Year
ensuing The Present Master Wardens and Assistants having
withdrawn themselves from the Rest of the Livery and considered
of proper Persons to be put in Nomination for that Purpose Do
by a power given them by an Ordinance in that Behalf as also
by antient Custom Resolve and agree that the Persons hereafter
named shall be put in Nomination for the Year ensuing

For MasterFor Middle Warden
Mr. Joel Johnson< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. 35Mr. Wm- Higgins< no role > 37
Henry Sharpe< no role > Esqr 0Mr. Geo Shakespear< no role > 0
Mr.. Saml. Hanning< no role > 0Mr. Joseph Brayne< no role > 0

For Upper WardenFor Renter Warden
Mr.. Thos.. Edgerton< no role > 37Mr. John Fothergill< no role > 6
Mr. Richard Jupp< no role > 0Mr. Thomas Mutter< no role > 30
Mr. John Taine< no role > 0Mr. Wm- Staines< no role > 0

Your Election stands thus

Mr. JohnsonMaster
Mr. EdgertonUpper Warden
Mr HigginsMiddle Warden
Mr. MutterRenter Warden

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