Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020043

Image 43 of 2114th August 1789

At a Court of Assistants Holden a Carpenter 's
Hall on Tuesday the fourth day of August 1789

PresentMr. ThompsonMaster

Mr. Johnson
Mr. Edgerton
Mr. Lawrence

Mr. Hanning Mr. Buckland Mr. Flight Mr. Russell
Mr. Hudson Mr. Turner Mr. Brayne

Mr. Thos. Johnson< no role > Paid his Quarterage to Midsr. -..3..-
Mr. Jas. Comley< no role > Paid Do.-..17..4
Mr. Gabriel Cowles< no role > Paid Do.-..3..-
Mr. Peter Dunkley< no role > Paid Do.-..16..8
Mr. Wm- Packer< no role > Paid Do.-..7..-

Rossiter to Johnson

Thomas Rossiter< no role > Son of Thomas Rossiter< no role > bound to Thomas
< no role > of King Street in the Borough Carpenter and also
Citizen and Carpenter of London Consideration £30

Comley to Comley

James Comley< no role > bound to his Father James Comley< no role > of
Labour in Vain Hill Thames Stt. Carpenter and also Citizen and
Carpenter of London Consideration Nil

Crockett to Packer

William Crockett< no role > Son of Elizabeth Crockett< no role > bound to William
< no role > of Budge Row Carpenter and also Citizen and
Carpenter of London Consideration £4 Charity Money given
by the Parish of Saint Helens


John Cowles< no role > of GreenField Street Whitechapel Taylor Son of
Gabriel Cowles< no role > of Tower Hill Taylor and also Citizen and
Carpenter of London made Free by Patrimony


William Burnell< no role > Son of John Burnell< no role > of Fleet Street Carpenter
bound to Peter Dunkley< no role > of Fenchurch Street London Carpenter
and also Citizen and Carpenter of London made Free on
the Testimony of his said Master

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