At a Prison Committee Wednesday 12th Feby.
Mr. Auditor General
Mr. Richard Till< no role >
Granville Sharp< no role >
. Wm. Waddington< no role >
By the Calendar of the Prisoners there appeared to be
18 Men
3 Apprentices
3 House Apprentices
25 Women
2 Children
Matron's Report of
Mary Lovegrove< no role >
had refused to give her
Child Sustenance.The Matron having informed the Committee that Mary Lovegrove< no role >
who was committed on the 8th. Instant with her Child to be passed
had refused to give the Child reasonable sustenance tho' it had been
provided by the Matron who was fearful the Child would be starved
And likewise that she had been extremely abusive which upon
further inquiries appears to the Committee to be true
Order thereuponResolved that the said Mary Lovegrove< no role >
be put in the Stocks
as a punishment for her misbehavior and afterwards to be confined
in a seperate Cell
And that her Child be taken from her and put under the care of the
And the Committee now signed a letter to the Lord Mayor [..]
apprizing. his Lordship of the above circumstances.
Hemp difficult to be got
Two Engines for Spinning
Rope Yarn to be erectedThe Superintendant of the Prisons informed the Committee that he
found it very difficult to procure hemp for the Prisoners to beat, that
he was of opinion that it would answer very well to let them spin
Rope Yarn
and the expences of erecting two of those Engines would
not be more than 30s/. Resolved that he be ordered to
purchase two of them and to put them up directly.