At a Committee of reference Tuesday 5th: November 1793
William Waddington< no role >
:Joseph Bushnan< no role >
:Thomas Nixon< no role >
Reverend J. Bowen
Reverend O: Wight
by desire
By the Calendar of the Prisoners there appeared to be
10 Men
2 Apprentices
24 Women
2 Children
The Committee took into further consideration the reference
from the general Court and agreed to the following resolutions
to be submitted to the ensuing General Court.
Recommendt. to Court
for a Men's Prison to
be fitted up.Resolved that it is the Opinion of this Committee that the House on the North side of the quadrangle
adjoining the mens prison be fitted up and properly secured [..]
under the direction of the prison Committee for the solitary [..]
confinement and Employment of such of the Male Prisoners [..]
committed to this Hospital (except Vagrants to be passed to their
respective parishes) as shall be directed by the said Committee
giving the preference to such as shall be most likely to be reformd
Women's Do.That the House on the West side of the Quadrangle adjoining
the Womens prison lately occupied by the Matron be fitted up
in the same manner for the confinement and Employment of
the female Prisoners.
[..] ud that Prison Comee.
[..] empowered to make
Repairs & AlterationsThat the Prison Committee be empowered to make such [..]
repairs and alterations to the Men and Womens Prisons as may
be found necessary to correspond with and give effect to the above [..]
intended alterations.