At a Prison Committee Wednesday 10th July 1793
Richard Clark< no role >
. Alderman
Mr. Richard Till< no role >
Granville Sharp< no role >
.Thomas Nixon< no role >
The Minutes of the last Committee were read.
The Minutes of the sub-Committee were read
By the Calender of the Prisoners there appeared to be
7 Men
14 Women
2 Apprentices
Pitt Jno< no role >
. Esqr
. M. P.
To be requested to Send
the Dress of a male & Female
Prisoner as worn in
House of
CorrectionOrdered the Clerk to write to John Pitt< no role >
. M. P.
to request the favor of him
to purchase and send up to the Hospital one Dress complete for a Male and
one for a Female Prisoner such as are worn by the Prisoners in the Gloucester
House of correction together with the price and at the same time requesting him
to give his opinion whether they are suited for the prisoners in this House and
whether he can recommend any improvement in them.
Guttage Mary< no role >
, late a
, attended the
Commee & expressed a
Contrition for her past
faults &c.Mary Guttage< no role >
who was discharged on the 1st. Instant attended the Committee
and having expressed a sincere Contrition for her past faults and an earnest.
desire to obtain an honest livelihood
Had leave to remain
in the Hospl. till an
Ansr. recd. from her
FriendsIt was Resolved that she should have liberty to continue in the Hospital
till an answer can be received from her friends at Birmingham whether they
will be so kind as to take her home into their protection