St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

19th May 1690 - 22nd May 1771

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMV113000228

Image 228 of 5239th November 1725

to the Same Sume & every of the Inhabitants of that Division wth: [..]
rated might Object agt: the Rate as Unequal it Will therefore be [..]
that the Church wardens of Each Division Should prepare a Rate A [..]
to the true & Real value of the Rents which being lay'd before the Gr [..]
Vestry for their Approbation Hany person be rated at more or less
their Rents Amount to the Same may be Alterd before the Rate
to by the Vestry.


Q Whether a Landlord not inhabiting in the parish who let [..]
house to Inmates Shall not be lyable to pay such R [..]
Whether Charging an Inhabitant to the rate that [..]
pay to the poor will make a Settlement of Such Inhabitant
upon the parish:

A Church rate is a personal tax in respect of what they occupy wi [..]
parish & is to be lay'd upon the Occupier not upon the Landlord [..]
the Landlord retains no part of the house in his own possession [..]
Occupant may be Chargd for that part which he rents distinct [..]
I apprehend yr. his paying to the Church rate will give him [..]
Settlement as being Chargd. & haveing paid to the publick Le [..]
the parish.

3 QWhether person's haveing Warehouses in the parish
Inhabit elsewhere Shall not be lyable to pay the [..]

An Outlyer who rents anything within the parish is in that respe [..]
be Deemd. a parishioner & those who have Warehouses in the [..]
are lyable to pay for the Same Altho' they live in another par [..]

Drs: Comons
Nov ye 9th: 1725 :

J: Andrew

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