St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

14th July 1767 - 13th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMO303010112

Image 112 of 23812th September 1787

At a Meeting of the Guardians of the
Parish Poor Children held at the Work [..]
on Wednesday the 12th. day of September


Mr. William Coles< no role >
Mr. Edward Gibbs< no role >

The Master of the Workhouse reported that [..]
Elizabeth Colay was discharged from with her [..]
on the twenty first day of August last - Also the [..]
& Daniel Arragon< no role > were sent to Nurse Varwell Barking
side the Sixth day of said August and that Wil [..]
Hicks remains still in the House

Also that Rachel Emerson< no role > and her Sister Rebec [..]
Rachael aged about two Years and Rebeecah aged [..]
Six Months were admitted into the Workhouse
third of last August and were discharged with [..]
Parents the fourth Instant

Also that John Rutter< no role > was born in the [..]
the fifth Instant and died there the twent [..]
of said August

Ordered that the said William Hicks< no role >
remain in the Workhouse till next Meeting

The Guardians on Thursday last the Sixth Instant
visited the Children at the Nurses at Plai [..]
Barking side and Mobs Hole at Wanstead [..]
found them in Good Health and well take
Care of

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