At a Meeting of the Guardians in the [..]
the 30th. day of June 1784
William Baker< no role >
Edward Gibbs< no role >
Mr Deputy Harding
The Master of the Workhouse
Reported that Elizabeth [..]
Piplar< no role >
& John Drew< no role >
mentioned in the last Minute
were on the 10th. day of May last sent to be Nursedly [..]
Mrs. Pluckrose at Wanstead
in Essex, as were
Anns William Brutcher< no role >
mentd. also in the last
Minutes sent the Same to be Nursed by Mrs. [..]
& arwell near the May Pole on Epping Forest
& that the said several Children before Sent to
Nurse were all Properly Cloathed
That Joseph William Roberts< no role >
& Phe [..]
Bishop were discharged out of the House with
their respective Mothers, the former on the first [..]
the latter. on the 22d. days of May last
Sophia & Isaac Rutter< no role >
still remain [..]
the Workhouse
their Mother having refused to [..]
form thence with them, and also Ann Hooper< no role >
John Dugard< no role >
and Mary & John Marchant< no role >
sh [..]
remain in the House
The Master of the Workhouse
likewise [..]
Reported that Hannah Smith< no role >
hath again been
admitted in the House the Twentyeth day of Ma [..]
last, and Henry Smith< no role >
on the same day, but w [..]
discharged with his Mother there out on the Twenty [..]
fifth day of said May, And that William [..]